“as you bsp; see here,”(正如你们在这里看到的,)婧芝指着屏幕上出现的几行英文说道,“there’re three questions on whibsp; we have to work today”(我们今天有三个问题需要解决。)说完,婧芝立刻点击鼠标,屏幕上立刻出现了另外几行英文。
“the first one is closely reted to what you’ve learned fro the test lecture now, if you don’t d, i’d like to ask several students to say sothg about what they’ve done before bsp; on this question”(第一个问题与你们在最近的讲座中学到的关系很密切。现在,如果你们不介意的话,我想要让几个学生说一下他们在课前关于这个问题都准备了些什么。)
“please don’t panibsp; there won’t be any the so-called “right” or “wrong” answer, and i won’t b you for any word you say, however ridiculo it sees to be, i proise i believe that it’s better for you to take an active part css, not jt takg notes about what i’ve told you or presented on the s, so that we uld exge ideas and i bsp; easily draw a clear picture on what you’ve got your ds after all, i’ not the one who will be fally evaated exas, and i’ here rely to help you, as you know, to deal with questions, fro whibsp; you ay auute knowledge on your own”(请不要慌张。这里不会有任何什么所谓“对的”或者“错的”答案,我不会因为你们说的任何一个词语而责怪你们,不管那似乎有多荒谬,我保证。我相信对你们来说在课上积极参与进来会更好,不要只是把我告诉你们的或者是在屏幕上展示给你们的记到本子上,那样的话我们便可以交换想法而且我也可以很容易地了解到你们的想法。毕竟,我不是最终在考试中被评价的那个人,我只是在这里帮助你们,正如你们了解的,去处理问题,从其中你们可以自行积累知识。)
“are you gog to start with aga? really?”(你难道要再一次从我开始吗?真的吗?) antony 在心里嘀咕着。
“good , antony! have you got any idea about the first question?”(早上好,antony!对于这第一个问题,你有什么想法吗?)
“what? ? aga? why ?”(什么?我?又一次?为什么是我呢?)antony 在心里埋怨着,脸上浮现出一副不怎么愉快的表情。
“have you prepared the answer to this question advanbsp; of the css?”(你在课前准备这个问题的答案了没有?)
“yes, of urse i have” antony 不假思索地回答,言语里多少带着些怨气。(是的,我当然准备了。)
“great!”(好极了!)婧芝拍着手说,” that case, would you d tellg what you’ve found with respebsp; to this question?”(如果那样的话,你介意告诉我们你关于这个问题到底发现了什么?)
婧芝对antony 的回答非常满意。虽然他的答案还不够完整,但他已经提到了解决问题的核心概念,也给出了正确的见解,可以称得上是提供了一个非常不错的答案。
“well done!”(干得漂亮!)婧芝感叹着说,“thank you, antony, for givg subsp; a good answer to this question i dare say that you t have done a lot of work before you bsp; here”(谢谢你,antony,就这个问题给我们提供了这么好的一个答案。我敢说在来这里之前你一定做过许多功课。)