Tim 笑得更大声啦,“haha ,We can talk about it later ,but all depends on your price.”(哈哈,这个我们待会再谈吧,但是就要看看你的价格怎么样了。)说着指了指桌面上的样品。
郭传凯撑大眼睛,左右摇摆着脑袋说,“okay ,let’s check one by one.”(好的,让我们一个一个看吧。)说着示意抬了抬手示意石逸。
石逸马上站起来,边移动一套样品边说,“All right ,let’s start with this pattern ,the 12pcs ,composition 9.5’dinner plate ,8’soup plate ,7.5’dessert plate ,each 4pcs.”(好的,我们先从这个图案设计开始吧。配套12头,大盘9.5英寸,汤盘8英寸,点心小盘7.5英寸,各4只。)
“And the price is 5.5 dollars ,”(你方报价是5.5美金)Tim旁边的助手Sandra 看了看记录,Sandra 跟他说,“It’s too far way from the target price.”(这个价格离我们的目标价太远了。)
“How many presents?”(多少个点?)Tim 抬头问了问。
“Around 10%.”(十个点)Sandra 耸耸肩。
“Okay ,See what you can do.”(好,你们打算怎么办?)Tim 对着郭传凯和石逸摊了摊手,“This project is around 50 containers per year,the quantity is so large and the price cannot be so high ,10% is not so hard for you ,I think.”(这个项目一年有50个集装箱,这么大量,价格不会很高的,我觉得这么大量10个点对你们来说应该不难。)
郭传凯礼貌的说,“ok ,give me a moment.”(嗯,给我几分钟的时间。)说着转头跟石逸商量。
风小晓这时开始把咖啡端过来,第一杯放到Tim面前,“coffee ,please.”(请喝咖啡。)
Tim 点头拿起咖啡,“Thanks ”(谢谢。)
郭传凯点点头,然后看向Tim说,“Hi my bro ,the situation is like this ,this 50 contains average around 4-5 containers per month ,the factory also have capacity,they have a lot clients not just us ,if big order but low profit,it’s hard for me to convince them ,this is true ,bro ,think about yourself ,if you have one client one container could earn 30%profit ,will you accept a client 6 containers just got 5% profits per container?”(你好,我的兄弟。现在情况是这样,一年50个集装箱相当于平均一个月4-5个,工厂也有自己的产能的,他们有很多客户不单单只有我们,如果单纯的量大利润少,我很难说服他们。兄弟,你可以换位想想,如果你有一个客户一个集装箱就赚了30%的利润,你还会去接另外一个客户6个集装箱的生意,每个集装箱才5%的利润吗?)
Tim 皱了皱眉,“I got your point ,but the factory need big orders to keep running ,right ?There won’t be every order can got 30% profits.”(我明白你的意思,但是工厂还是需要大订单去维持吧?不会每个单都能有30%利润的。)
“Time is change ,now the factory owner is also smart ,”(时代不同了,现在的工厂老板可精了。)郭传凯抱歉的抿着嘴,“but I think if we both take a step back ,we could have a win-win result.”(不过,如果我们各退一步,我们还是有个双赢的好结果的。)
Tim耸耸肩,摊摊手,“Say it.”(继续说。)
郭传凯喝了口咖啡,才慢慢说,“We both give in 5%.”(我们各自让利5个点。)
Tim 眉头皱得更深了,拿起计算器算了一下,跟Sandra说,“How many sets for a container?(一个集装箱装多少套?)”
“Around 3600sets.”(大概3600套)Sandra 说。
Tim又在计算机上算了算,还是摇头,“2 ocean freight was increased last month,for one container it was increasing 5%,which means each sets my cost increasing {WsChapterContent}.02”(我只能让利两个点,上个月海运费就上涨了,每个集装箱涨了百分之五,我没一套的成本涨了0.02美金。)
郭传凯也摇头,“Let’s check the sample designs ,see the color here ”(我们回过头来看看这些样品设计,你瞧这些颜色……)说着指着盘子上的图案设计说,“pink ,purple ,all is special color ,not the normal color,the cost is high,two percent is not enough.”(粉红色,紫色,全都是特殊颜色,不是普通颜色,成本会高很多,2个点很难去谈。)
Tim 又转头跟Sandra 讨论了一下,“Ok ,3 percent ,no more ,or I just lose this project.”(好吧,3个点,不能再加了,不然我也接不到这个单。)
郭传凯心里一乐,但是脸上不动声色,假装很困难的样子,也拿起计算器随便按了几下,苦着脸说,“ok ,done ,but you must promise me you’ll give me more support with a better price ,or Wind will kill me.”(好的,成交!不过你得答应再给些优质单我,多支持一下,不然Wind会杀了我的。)
Tim 笑了,“Thank you Bro ,you are always my choice ,don’t worry.”(谢谢兄弟,不用担心,你永远都是我的选择。)